The amount of different insurance plans on the market is actually quite staggering. While all of us are supposed to have some kind of health insurance, it can be difficult to differentiate between what’s right for you and what’s right for the health insurance company. This only becomes more difficult as you get older and have to consider other aspects of insurance coverage — including life insurance. While life insurance policies were once associated heavily with the elderly, now people are beginning to think about it during their younger years, and for a number of reasons. A life insurance claim can make a big difference for those left behind. For that matter, a life insurance policy isn’t always exactly what people have in mind — it’s not about ensuring that your loved ones get some kind of payout after you die. In fact, there’s a lot more to life insurance than what meets the eye. Life insurance is now owned by three out of five people, and another 34% of people polled reported that they will probably be making a purchase within the upcoming year. Just last year, when only 55% of people said that they would recommend life insurance to another, now 66% would do so, suggesting that the interest in life insurance is rising as people learn about it. A recent survey indicated that 86% of people thought that most would require some degree of life insurance. Below are a few reasons why.
1. Final Expenses
Not everyone dies suddenly in their sleep. Many people do require some level of medical care in their last years, and some require a good deal of it. For that matter, hospice care is becoming more prevalent in people’s last years. There’s a reason for this trend — people know that hospice care provides a much easier transition for the dying in some cases, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap. Often, this leaves the loved ones of the departed to deal with final expenses. In fact, your final expenses could be as simple as paying for a funeral; and that’s still rather expensive on its own. Life insurance claims allow people to pay for these expenses without having to worry. The last thing you want to do is leave behind expensive bills. So why not consider a life insurance policy to help ease the burden?
2. Children
Lots of younger people are buying life insurance policies, and their main reason is that they have children. These children could be very young, or they could be young adults still getting on their feet. But for most parents, having life insurance while their children are still at home is important. Children who were dependent on their parents can use life insurance claims to help them live, or in some cases even pay off some school expenses. Life insurance claims can also help with issues like debt left behind by the parents, and much more. It’s always traumatic to lose a parent early — so it’s important to ease the pain of that ordeal in any possible way.
3. Income Replacement
Most families today require a two-parent income. So while the loss of one parent usually doesn’t leave children completely orphaned as they would be in the above scenario, it would cause them to live a different lifestyle. Often, the spouse left behind has to drastically change the family life in order to accommodate things like help with the kids, transportation, and much more. Going from a combined income to a single one isn’t easy, but life insurance claims make it a bit more attainable for the average family.
Life insurance claims won’t solve everything — in every case, you’ve still lost someone. But these policies are ways for people to look out for their loved ones one last time, and at least simplify the impossible on some level. It isn’t for everyone — but it’s definitely something to take into consideration in a real way.