Small businesses, which come under the designation SME (small to medium enterprises), need insurance that’s tailored to their specific needs. Whether your small business is a tech startup, or a coffee shop or a dog walking business, you need coverage that’s specific to your needs. Cyber security insurance coverage is different from dog walking insurance. You need to work with an insurance agent specializing in insurance for SMEs, who can help you find the right kind of insurance for you.
Dog walkers insurance is the right step for you
Dog grooming and dog walking businesses are growing along with the increasing pet population in the United States. It is estimated that 63% of all American households own pets. In 2015, Americans spent a total of $58.51 billion on pet industry products and services. Of this, $4.41 billion was spent on grooming and boarding dogs.
Like many other entrepreneurs, you may have decided to combine your love of dogs with your choice of career. Your dog walking business has taken off and you find yourself in the situation of having to hire more people or to turn away new clients. You want to focus on growing your business and providing the best possible service, rather than worrying about all the things that can go wrong.
Insurance for small businesses
A reliable insurance agent can help you find the insurance that’s right for you. With a personalized insurance plan, you can be covered for all contingencies that may arise in connection with your business. For instance, if you own a dog walking business, you need dog walking insurance rather than cyber insurance coverage. And you need it at affordable rates.
Chances are that if you’re a small business, you don’t have a huge budget for insurance. A good agent will not only help you find the right insurance but also to manage it in the best way possible, leaving you free to concentrate on your work.