When you are selecting a health insurance policy, you may find that there are several levels of coverage available. Selecting the right amount of coverage for you and your family may seem confusing. However, if you review the information provided by the health insurance company, you will be able to pick a category that meets your budgetary needs while providing enough insurance. Your premium will determine how much you will pay for services.

According to Gusto, companies offering health insurance to employers via the SBA (Small Business Administration) offer their benefits in levels that are named for metals. A policy user would select a higher or lower metal tier based on the benefits they want and the copayment and deductible they are willing to pay. Before your insurance begins you will be asked to select a level.

Two of the most popular levels are gold benefits and bronze benefits. You may wonder about the differences between bronze vs gold. According to Gusto, bronze benefits have the lowest monthly premium but the highest amount of deductible and copayments. While bronze participants pay about 40% of their health care costs, platinum users will pay about 10% of their costs.
Two of the Most Popular Levels Are Gold Benefits and Bronze Benefits

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Whether you’re planning for retirement or are already retired, you may be interested to learn more about other American’s retirement goals. You may also be curious about your options for medical and life insurance. Given that many older adults face, or already experience, a variety of health issues, this may be a topic of interest for you as well.

Retirement Goals

A 2014 Gallup Poll showed that 49% of currently-employed Baby Boomers weren’t expecting to retire until 66 or older. Others, which amounted to about one out of every ten Baby Boomers, predicted they would never retire. A 2015 CareerBuilder survey showed that 54% of workers 60 or older planned to continue working after retirement. While 81% of these individuals indicated they would probably work part-time, 19% planned to work full-time.

The results of a 2015 Gallup Poll revealed that many Baby Boomers planned to launch new ventures. There were 2,000 study participants, which included both entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Most, or 83% of the participants, chose to launch these new ventures as either a lifestyle choice or to earn more income.

Important Health Issues

Many adults within the United States may not realize that they have one or more health issues. It has been estimated, for example, that one out of every three adults are unaware they have pre-diabetes.

The State of Aging and Health in America issued a report in 2013, and the results showed that over 66% of the country’s health care costs were due to treating chronic illnesses. When considering the total costs associated with treating older adults, this amounted to 95%.

In 2014, The Commonwealth Fund reported Americans have more chronic health conditions than people in other countries. It was determined that 87% of older adults had at least one chronic illness, while 68% had two or more.

Depression is another issue. According to a 2015 Gallup Poll, 14% of Baby Boomers are being treated for depression. This is a larger percentage than with other age brackets.

Preventative Measures

There are a variety of health conditions that may be preventable. Deaths due to the flu and pneumonia, for example, can often be prevented by receiving vaccinations. In 2013, The State of Aging and Health in America reported that for individuals 65 and older, the flu and pneumonia are the seventh leading cause of death.

The State of Aging and Health in America also indicated that deaths related to breast cancer could be potentially reduced with regular mammography screenings. They found that when women between the ages of 65 and 74 had screenings every two years, there was a reduction in deaths due to breast cancer.

Healthcare Insurance

It’s interesting to note that 50% of Americans over the age of 65 didn’t have health insurance in 1962. The Commonwealth Fund also reported that just two percent of adults in this age bracket didn’t have coverage in 2015. A Gallup Poll conducted within the same year showed that for individuals younger than 65, two out of every five had employer-based healthcare coverage.

In 2014, around 21% of Americans needed to pay $2,000.00 or of their own money for medical expenses, according to The Commonwealth Fund. Since policies exist to reduce these costs, it makes sense to further investigate them.

Life Insurance Options

There are a variety of options available through a life insurance company. Many individuals without these policies may not realize they can be purchased at various benefit increments. This includes benefit amounts from $10,000.00 into the millions.

A recent survey showed that 86% of its participants agreed most people would need some type of coverage. Furthermore, three out of five participants already owned a life insurance policy. Others reported they were likely to purchase a life insurance policy within the next year, which applied to 34% of the participants.

Contact a Life Insurance Company

If you’re interested in learning more about your insurance options, it’s important to speak directly with a reputable life insurance company. At this time, you can discuss your situation, and your life insurance company will be able to recommend the most appropriate policies for you. When you have the coverage that you need, it can assist with preparing for the future.

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